Modern Kitchen Cabinets In Portland

If kitchen cabinets could talk, they would tell stories of splattered spaghetti sauce, midnight snack raids and the infamous Tupperware landslide. In Portland, the search for the perfect modern kitchen cabinet has locals eagerly discussing the latest trends as if handing over their well-kept recipes. modern kitchen cabinets Portland, OR, after all, are the heart of any kitchen, both functional and beautiful.

Portland is just, well, different. Maybe a tad odd, perhaps somewhat rainy but in the final analysis: it has style. And much like New York has umpf and LA coolness–get any in that order?? Either way this is a big change from the days of ‘Where is Pearl District’, ie that era of innocence. Be it a chic Pearl District loft or a cozy Alberta Street bungalow, the buzzwords today are clean lines, minimal detail and a touch of creativity. Think cabinets that are a straight-out -of-a-futurist-movie-yet have the warmth found in grandma’s stew. It’s all going on. Especially for us.

Yes, folks are starting to sample deeper colors now too- a deep sea blue here, an emerald green there, even occasionally a mat black. Portland has that blogger saying “Hey, my kitchen is as unique as the complex I blend into artisinally!” The emphasis here is clearly on adding your personality to what could otherwise be a nowhere. And what would a modern theme be without materials to match? Bamboo, please-something so renewably green it looks like stylishness itself.

People considering a move to modern look in kitchen cabinetry are afraid of being like someone who must select exactly the right kind of coffee berry. There are choices heaped upon choices! Subtle hinges. Shelves you can pull down at will. Handleless cupboards with doors that open at a push? Oh, la la! It’s as if they were winking behind their facade of timber and metal, challenging you to find out the truth about performance and features.

But have no fear about storage room if you’re one of those people who worry about those things and compartments for everything! This time, the designers have organised things so that it’s capacious without becoming clumsy. Think of them as Mary Poppins’ bag–endless interior space within a shell of excellent design. They are nothing but the sweet equilibrium: where function meets style.

However, amidst all the fashion and change, remember that your kitchen must reflect above anything else who you are supposed to be. This is, after all, Portland’s ethos. Whether your taste is one of high technology grandeur or gooru-style charm, choose the right cabinets and in a perfect transformation a kitchen becomes paradis terrestre for you. And everyone wants his own private heaven in which to hang out; who can refuse that so inviting a space? As good a place for a 4 course gourmet pancake brunch as Portlandians can find anywhere in the city or even world!