Find the Right Buyer For Your Tesla

You’ve made the decision to sell your Tesla. You may want to try out something different or upgrade. Selling a Tesla will not be the same thing as selling an old gas-guzzler. This is a different game, exciting and at times puzzling. Let’s get going.

Know your machine first. Tesla models have their own quirks, features and characteristics that can be either a deal breaker or a dream come true for buyers. Some buyers are not techies, and may be less interested in the latest updates that allow you to set your horn up to play “La Cucaracha” (because…why not?) You’ll want to emphasize what makes Tesla unique. You’ll be able to show that your vehicle has a clean history, and you can feel confident about it. Spend more time driving than at the mechanic’s? Perfect! Perfect!

Have I mentioned photos? Take some photos! One or two glances won’t do. It’s time to stage a photoshoot. Catch the sun setting off your hood. Include a few pictures of your touchscreen. Pictures are as popular with people as cat videos.

The pricing part is a dance of numbers. Have you heard the phrase “finding a happy middle”? You want to find that happy medium. If you set your price too high, people will zoom past like a tractor on the back roads. You might be able to sell your home quickly, but you’ll regret it. Make sure you do your homework. Do some research on what Teslas are being sold for in your locality and make adjustments accordingly. You can do wonders if you are a gambler and hold out with panache for the price.

Where can I sell this electrical marvel? There are many options. Online platforms are your friend in today’s digital world. Autotrader, Craigslist and other sites like them have long been the backbone of car sales. Do not ignore social media. Instead, join Tesla groups or Facebook Marketplace. Somebody in the group may be looking for their next four-wheeled pride.

The most interesting part of the process is connecting with buyers. Keep your senses sharp when you first meet the potential buyers, but keep in mind that not everyone is a villain. Bring a friend and meet in public. This is a little like dating online, only for cars. It’s impossible to know who will show real interest or bring you an unreliable cashier check. Ask questions. Ask questions. What is their familiarity with electric cars? You may be surprised by the answers to these questions. They can save you from a lot of wasted time.

Ah, that moment of truth! It’s not just them driving your vehicle. You want to see how well they blend with your Tesla. Does the person sit in that seat as if it were their natural position? Do they struggle with the controls, or are they confused? Keep an eye out; your decisions will be based on what you observe and hear.

Negotiations begin when the rubber meets the road. It’s an art to haggle, no matter if you are trading Pokemon cards or closing on a vehicle deal. Prepare yourself for any tactic. Keep your cool and take deep breaths. Do not just give up or settle. The wise seller will know when to give up and when to keep going. Tell people why they should pay your price.

The paperwork is finally done! It’s time to dot the i’s and cross all of those ts. This is just as crucial as everything else. Check all forms and agreements. Others may not require one. This step should be treated with as much care and attention as you would when unwrapping a birthday present for a child.

It doesn’t need to be an arduous journey. Ask for advice on Tesla forums or from seasoned Tesla sellers. You can also ask your neighbor, who is always cleaning his Model S, for help. You’ve got to love when your plan works out.